The Authors
I became a licensed occupational therapist (OT) in 2007 with a strong interests in hand therapy. After working in the hand center of the Singapore National University Hospital for 3 years, I moved to Boston to pursue a master’s degree in OT.
After graduating from Tufts University I moved to Seattle and became a Certified Hand Therapist (CHT) in 2013. I also became a Certified Kinesiotaping Pracitioner (CTKP) in 2014, then received a certification as an ergonomic assessment specialist (CEAS) in 2015.
I’m specialized in musician rehabilitation, orthosis fabrication, flexor/extensor tendon rehabilitation and repetitive strain injuries treatment.
I love traveling, hiking, playing badminton, and practicing Tai-Chi in my free time.
Workshops / Invited Speaker / Lecturer
* Guest Lecturer, OT department of San Jose State University
* Guest Lecturer, OT department of Tufts University
* Puyallup Valley Chapter Musician Workshop
* Snohomish County Music Teacher Association Workshop
* Piano Playing Health Workshop
* Washington State Music Teacher Association Annual Conference
* Certified Kinesio Taping Technician Workshops
My email: [email protected]
Shih-Pin Hsu OT, PhD candidate
I believe humanity and knowledge lead to a brighter world.
After finishing my occupational therapy training in National Taiwan University (2005-2012), I study for a doctorate in brain science in National Yang-Ming University until now. My interests and clinical specializations focus on stroke neurorehabilitation: task-oriented training, mirror therapy, functional electrical stimulation, neglect and somatosensory rehabilitation, and also transcranial direct current stimulation.
I enjoy reading, thinking, and feeling the beautiful moments from daily life and nature.
This is a very good site. Thank you. Suffering from CMC-thumb arthritis. New to me. Trying your exercises. Do you suggest a brace which I’ve been given but don’t like. My CMC problems is due to computer use.
thanks also for your info on exercises for musicians. Very cool.
Lisa Rea
Hi Lisa,
Thank you for your feedback! I do recommend using thumb brace especially when you are using your hand for typing or playing instruments.
There are two types of thumb braces you can try, they can be found on Amazon.
1. Push Metagrip CMC brace – this one provides more rigid support for your CMC
2. Comfort Cool CMC thumb wrap – this one is usually more comfortable but not as strong as the one above.
Hi Andrew!
I am a new grad OT working towards to become a CHT and I just came across your website during work when I was searching for treatment ideas. I just wanted to appreciate how much effort and time you put into this website and I found it extremely helpful as a new therapist!! I am also a Mandarin speaker and I love how you have the site in Mandarin Chinese so that I could also share to my family in Taiwan to educate them about my profession since they are often confused. Keep it up!
Melissa Teng, MOT OTR/L
Phoenix, Arizona
Hi Melissa,
Thanks so much for your feedback! Sorry for the late reply, somehow I just see your message today!!
If there’s anything I can help out passing your CHT exam, please feel free to contact me through my email! [email protected]
Warmest regards,
Andrew Tan, OTR/L, CHT, CKTP, CEAS
Irvine, CA
Hello Andrew,
I am a 65-year old master rower. I rowed competitively from 1989-2000 then took 17 years off to raise my children. I returned to rowing in 2017. I strictly scull (use an oar in each hand) and do not sweep row.
During Covid (summer of 2020) I spent 4-5 days a week sculling long distances for about two hours each outing. By fall of that year I was experiencing “clicking” of my fingers, particularly in my left hand, and eventually the middle finger of my left hand “triggered”…stuck. I visited an OT who primarily made me a finger splint and gave me a few exercises. I was hoping to get techniques to help break up the scar tissue and allow it to heal more properly.
Currently I row about 75 minute 4-6 days per week. My problem has never fully resolved itself and I still experience clicking from time to time in both hands but my fingers rarely trigger. I would like to keep in sculling for as long as possible as this is a highlight of my life. Have you treated sculling rowers in the past for trigger finger? Any words of advice for me? I recently met a fellow rower at Masters Nationals competition and she said she was treated by a PT/OT using the Gaston technique. After a few treatments she self-treated and found this very helpful. Is there any information or guidance out there about self treating trigger finger with soft tissue mobilization or the Gaston technique?
Thank you in advance for any wisdom you can share with me.
Hi Ann,
I’m very sorry for such a late reply, somehow the system didn’t notify me about your posting and I just saw it today.
I’m not a certified Graston technique provider but I do treat my patient with similar technique, which is so called instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization. You can actually just grab a tea spoon or tongue depressor to apply scrapping massage to the palmar area of the finger, i found this video can be helpful so you know how to do it yourself.
But please be aware that this is just a technique that can temporary make you feel better, not to cure trigger finger. The best conservative treatment for it is still wearing your splint when you are not using your hand, frequent stretching exercises, and even consider cortisone injection for your finger. “clicking” is still considered a “trigger sign” so you still need to be careful when using your hand.
Please feel free to reach out to me at [email protected] so I can answer your question promptly.
Thank you!